Wednesday 21 October 2015

Shiels' Stars strike again!


  1. Yay!! Well hello strangers haha. Orienteering.. you should be able to find your way to the washing basket now eve. Looks like your having a ball toldyou so love mam & dad xxx

  2. Woo hoo! Lovely to see you all, you look like you're having a fantastic time. I'm gong to try & only post this once Fran but I can't promise anything (embarrassing Mother) Here goes...x

  3. Lovely photos and lovely smiles. Hope you all had a great day :)

  4. At last group 4 pictures your parents have been patiently waiting !!! Looks like you've had a great fun day with lots of smiles and laughter. Enjoy your activities tomorrow really good seeing you all so happy on the blog !!! Joanne and John Readman

  5. Great pictures, lovely to see you all having fun and the sun shining. Hope today was fab too x

  6. Ah there you areπŸ˜€ Some very professionally posed pics there you guys, not sure where liv learned that essential life skill;) Lovely to see Shiels Stars shining bright.xx

  7. You all look like you are having a fantastic time well done Shiels Stars xx

  8. Great to see you all having such a fantastic time!Love the pictures.
