Wednesday 21 October 2015

Butter Fingers

We spent time on the Low Rope Challenge this morning and then learned to map read with an orienteering task set around the grounds of Derwent Hill. This afternoon we went to Derwent Water and made rafts with canoes. 


  1. Well done to all of our little Butterfingers!! You've managed to navigate the low ropes, are you going to go for it on the high ropes & Big Swing???
    So proud of you Eve, two more sleeps - enjoy every last minute :-)
    Love, Mammy, Daddy, Eve and Finn xxx (can't leave you out of our family signature!)

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  3. Well done to you all. So proud of you Kate seeing you do all of this without being 'Calamity Kate' is great. Can't wait to see the disco night photos especially to see how the hair turns our. 1 more sleep to go. Enjoy! X

  4. Well done teamsters! So proud of you, it's been so much fun being able to follow yous on this blog and it looks and sounds like you've had an amazing experience. Enjoy your last full day and give it your all - you'll remember these days forever!
    Can't wait to see you tomorrow Tui, poor Tane and George have been like lost souls without you!
    Carry on being great and enjoy your disco, we love and miss you so so much xoxo
