Thursday 22 October 2015

Day 4 - Group 5

Mountain Walk


  1. So proud you done it Kate this was your biggest fear! Well done butterfingers looking forward to your disco photos tonight xx

  2. Well done guys, bet you'll sleep for a week after this week! Really proud of yous xoxo

  3. Great effort Team Butterfingers! You should be proud of yourselves, we are all mega impressed at home :-)

    Message for Eve from Finn:

    "I miss you I'm when we get back we're going to make some cakes for a party I love you"

    One more sleep ;-)

  4. Excellent team butterfingers, not long now, one more sleep! Missed you Freya, see you tomorrow for a big hug. Love Mam and Dad xxxxx

  5. Well done all of you. It looks like you've had great fun. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow Aidan. I bet you're shattered. Love from mam, dad and Holly.
