Wednesday 21 October 2015

Day3 with Watt's Warriors

A fantastic day trying out the big swing and gorge walking!


  1. Looks like your having the best time guys keep it up x x x bet that water was freezzzzzing x

  2. Great pictures another exciting day !! Well Done it looks so cold but you're all still smiling xx Very Proud of you all you're so brave. Glad you did the swing Neve enjoy tomorrow especially disco night love and hugs Mam and Dad x o x o x o x o

  3. Awesome job Watt's Warriors! Love your photos!

  4. Welldone watts warriors your doing a grand job, have fun tomorrow x

  5. Looks like you've all had lots of fun today, amazing!! Shame Lorenzo missed the gorge walk, hope he's OK to join in tomorrow! x

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wet wet wet today very exciting Anna F new baby on way today we are all looking forward to Uncle Jack and Aunty Kayleigh's new born love Mum and Grandma x

  8. You look amazing! Had an exciting night here waiting for a new baby. Hope all join in tomorrow as all look so happy. I can spot those green wellies anywhere

  9. Anna. Last comment was mamxxxx

  10. Hi Grace looks like you're having loads of fun and outdoor adventures! Enjoy the last night and disco , Love Dad xxx
