Thursday 22 October 2015

Last Night Fun

We have had some fun tonight. Some of us watched a movie and had marshmallows and Malteasers, whilst others showed off their disco moves. 


  1. Wow surprised any of you had energy left for a disco. Can't wait to see you tonight missed you loads x

  2. Looks like you're having a blast girls!
    Eve, please don't forget to pack that beautiful dress you had brought for the disco - can see you've switched for the checked shirt, very nice :-)
    Enjoy your last morning everyone, counting down the hours until we see that bus roll into Meadowside!
    Love, Mammy, Daddy and Finn xxx

  3. Great pictures of your last night at the disco xx Enjoy your last morning Neve I'm thinking it could be canoes as I haven't seen you in any yet, enjoy. Love you zillions gorgeous girl see you soon can't wait mam and dad xoxoxo
