Thursday 22 October 2015

Day Four with Shiels' spectacular, superb, sensational and shining stars.


  1. How brave are you lot??!! That looks fantastic. Well done to every one of you. Have a brilliant disco tonight. Can't wait to see you tomorrow.

  2. Eeeee welldone all of you that looked amazing & very very high. Enjoy your last night of freedom guys & your morning activities. Fancy latrigg Saturday morning Eve!?!?! See you tomorrow love mam & dad xxx

  3. Wow you lot are all incredible! Congratulations everyone on your superb achievements, what stars! Izzy says hi to Fran, she's just sorting out some bits & pieces in your room. Enjoy the disco, see you soon x

  4. WOW you all look like you have had an amazing time and are all braver than me! Hope you all have a great time at the disco xx

  5. What amazing pictures you look like you've had a blast ! Enjoy your last morning The Readmans x
