Tuesday 20 October 2015

Group 5 Gorge walking and bush craft fun!

More action shots to follow when waterproof camera film is developed:) 


  1. Thanks for all the updates Team Butterfingers! Hope you all made it out of the gorge OK & looking forward to those photos :-)

    Apologies in advance if this posts twice - I clearly need Eve here to show me how to blog properly! Love Mammy Cole xxx

  2. Hi to everyone in team Butterfingers - this is the second attempt to try and post a blog!

    Looks like you are all having a great time. Hope your clothes have dried out from yesterday's waterfight and the gorge walking today. Sleep well tonight and we all look forward to seeing your photos tomorrow. Love Mam, Dad and Holly.

  3. ps. Aidan that's your disco night jumper you're wearing today! The good news is that at least you are changing your clothes. It's great to see you having such fun and thanks for the photos St Mary's teachers.

  4. Fantastic photos, looks fun! P.s note to Freya. Dad and I arrived safely in London. Can't wait to see you Friday. Xxx

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Ah the photos are great Team Butterfingers, Looks like a lot of fun. Leighton you look like you have just finished a musical!!! have fun, love Mam, Dad and Jay xx
